-This photograph depicts a workers demonstration.
Ce n'est pas une représentation, c'est une véritable photo, sinon ça voudrait dire que c'est un dessin ou autre. Pas d'apostrophe à workers, c'est un nom à valeur adjectivale
-The man in the middle of this picture is Jean Jaures. Bien, donne peut être une information sur lui genre "who was then leader of the socialist party" (ta prof n'est pas forcément historienne)
Jean Jaures is to me one of the most influential man in French History, along with CDG. "to", pas "for". "great" est un peu trop familier. "character" c'est un personnage de fiction. like
-In the foreground one can see many workers listening to Jaures' speech, it is fair to say that it is a large crowd. parcequ'il y a des fausses foules? :P, "listening" l'action est en cours et non habituelle, "jaures' speech": ce n'est pas un discours sur jaures mais de/par jaures. utilise le "one" impersonnel plutot que le "we"
-There are apartment buildings in the background. Indeed, Jaures' took place near a working class town. ce n'est pas la ville qui travaille!
-This picture is in black and white but the flag in the center of this picture was originally red, white, and blue.However, red is the dominent colour because Jaures was a socialist politician(which is not the same thing according to Jaures or the socialist reformist).
To me, this image represents the working masses' hope to change the face of economic and social injustice. To conclude, this picture sums up why I am studying History: I want to understand human aspirations for a better future
Pire que Super Ghouln's Ghosts!! T'y as passé combien de temps dessus?
Environ 4h30 - ce qui n'est franchement pas mal en plus
C'est ce que je disait au-dessus.. Vaut mieux que tu soit à l'aise avec ce que tu dit plutôt que d'avoir un speech parfait que tu ne maitrise pas. T'inkiète j'ai vécu ça du moment que ton interlocuteur comprend ce que tu veux dire c'est bon pas besoin d'avoir une syntaxe parfaite. :)
This photograph shows a workers demonstration. The man in the middle of this picture is Jean Jaures (who was the leader of the socialist party and was against the war). Jean Jaures is to me one of the most influential man in French History, along with De Gaulle. In the foreground one can see many workers listenning to Jaure's speech, it is fair to say that it is a large crowd. There are apartment buildings in the backgrround. Indeed, Jaures' took place near a working class town. This picture is in black and white but the flag in the center of this picture was originally blue, white and red. However, red is the dominent colour because Jaures was a socialist politician(which is not the same thing according to Jaures or the socialist reformist).To me, this image represents the working masses hope to change the face of economic and social injustice. To conclude, this picture sums up why I am studying History: I want to understand human aspirations for a better future
oh putain, MetalSonic à la rescousse:
Environ 4h30 - ce qui n'est franchement pas mal en plus
Pour Ghouls'n'Goblins... on verra :P
Je fais maintenant des critiques de sets Lego: https://www.youtube.com/c/MetalSonicBricks/videos
I don't understand anything... Je suis une merde...
C'est plutôt I don't understand a thing. :p
C'est ce que je disait au-dessus.. Vaut mieux que tu soit à l'aise avec ce que tu dit plutôt que d'avoir un speech parfait que tu ne maitrise pas. T'inkiète j'ai vécu ça du moment que ton interlocuteur comprend ce que tu veux dire c'est bon pas besoin d'avoir une syntaxe parfaite. :)
“Dream 2 Defy! Extreme is not a style but a way of life.”
Je vais péter un cable! ;p !
This photograph shows a workers demonstration. The man in the middle of this picture is Jean Jaures (who was the leader of the socialist party and was against the war). Jean Jaures is to me one of the most influential man in French History, along with De Gaulle. In the foreground one can see many workers listenning to Jaure's speech, it is fair to say that it is a large crowd. There are apartment buildings in the backgrround. Indeed, Jaures' took place near a working class town. This picture is in black and white but the flag in the center of this picture was originally blue, white and red. However, red is the dominent colour because Jaures was a socialist politician(which is not the same thing according to Jaures or the socialist reformist).To me, this image represents the working masses hope to change the face of economic and social injustice. To conclude, this picture sums up why I am studying History: I want to understand human aspirations for a better future
Rigoler en espagnol je vous éclate! ;p
Ca dépend du contexte... Si c'est un exposé à la fac les critères sont différents de l'achat d'un curry dans un resto indien.
Meeeuh non, if les gens were as "merde" as toi, ce serait déjà good!
Je fais maintenant des critiques de sets Lego: https://www.youtube.com/c/MetalSonicBricks/videos
Merci MetalSonic de me corriger! ;p ! C'est pas un peu costaud pour un oral d'une minute sans note?
Ah si carrément :P
C'est quoi l'énoncé exact?
Je fais maintenant des critiques de sets Lego: https://www.youtube.com/c/MetalSonicBricks/videos
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