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Les Monster Hunter

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Meteor Swarm
Portrait de Rezard
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 9320
Re: Les Monster Hunter

quand un monstre fait des attaque ou autre depuis le 3 il ce fatigue. c'est aussi simple que ça.
je me fait pas toucher pasque j'évite le coup, quand tu fait une roulade ou autre si tu a le bon timming c'est possible de quasiement tout éviter mais le timming est très très serrer.

Portrait de axelp85
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 209
Re: Les Monster Hunter

il y a un talent aussi qui s'apelle evasion je croit, qui permet d'avoir quelques frame d'invincibilité pendant une roulade.

Meteor Swarm
Portrait de Rezard
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 9320
Re: Les Monster Hunter

j'ai pas besion d'évade :P, si non oui ce skill suffit.
après evade level 1 suffit il y a trop peut de frames ajoutée entre le lv 1 et 2.

voilà un CC de la partie evasion de ma lance faq dans un anglais de merde

This is an VERY important note before you start using evade, i highly sugest to change the "X-axis controle type" to 1, because of the camera controls (thanks god, this game have no lock-on)

Turn around mean a full control over your evasion movement, First of all your movement have a 8 way limitation, and the direction you will aim is reversed, for the exemple if you want to dodge to the lower right you will need to press to uper right direction,
- Press up will make you do a down dodge
- Press down will make you do a up dodge
- Press left will make you do a right dodge
- press right will make you do a left dodge
- press diagonal up left will make you do a diagonal down right dodge
- press diagonal up right will make you do a diagonal down left dodge
- press diagonal down left will make you do a diagonal up right dodge
- press diagonal down right will make you do a diagonal up left dodge
This is just the basic of evsion learn to know when to use it and you are fine, digonal dodge are the best in most situation since most of monster have a one way attack (exemple, tigrex bite attack).
Also you have two grade of distance if you hold a direction the evasion distance will improve, for the exemple you can do 3 back hop in a normal way, 2 back hop and a long back hop, a normal back hop and a long right step, ect ect
Next let's get into more complicated or simplified section about evade.
As you know this skill have 3 level, the first level is evade+0, in other words you don't have the skill yet but you can still dodge attack with a right timming, the next upgrade is evade+1 who increase your evasion time to 0.15S, next grade is evade+2 who give a boost to 0.22S the grade form evade+1 to +2 is not that great (i need to know the evasion time of no evade, i can't get my hand on it for the moment).
But how can i train my evasion ability ?. Yea that's a point, first of all make sure you don't have any evade skill with you, it will help with your timming, next get the best armor defense you can get, and chose a monster (elder rank as preference) and try evading monster attack and see what append, a very good monster to train is rathian since she have a lot of attack patern for different evasion training, train on her fireball first, when you can dodge is fireball at least 10 time on 10 you can try dodging her tail whip once you can dodge at least 2 or 3 time in a row, you can try the same process with evade+1.
Evade+2 is the next skill grade, but i seriously think that this skill is realy not needed, before going into this skill use, go back to the training and this time chose monster who have a large aoe during motion (exclude monster charge) a really nice evade+1 training is Akantor, this monster have a decent tail whip aoe, and practice his tail whip evasion.

Now let's talk about evade inc, this skill increase your evasion distance a lot, there's a lot of people who say that this skill is the best for lance, actualy i think they are totaly wrong, this is not a good lancing skill for fighting.
First let's see a crapy schema about evade inc format vs basic evade format
the black arrow show normal evade and the red arrow show evade inc

As you can see the distance is a little improved (and this is the first time i found an use for paint XD)

Now let's get into the excelent point of evade inc. His motion ability is simply awesome, eary in this chapter i talked about evasion way, but evade inc increase a lot the long back hop option, using this for fast moving withouth sheating your weapon is simply great,
the little crapy schema here show you a pitiful exemple.

Now let's talk about why evade inc is bad for fighting ?, anyone know that lance is a weapon used for pressure attack right ?, and what evade inc do ?,it remove a little the pressure you give to the monster, so think about it and use it wisely.

4B - Dodge cancel
Dodge cancel is a realy hard to do lance trick you must press the directonal button change at the same time, if you can get this trick like 1/50 is really fine, i personaly don't bother with it since the difficulty about it, also it only work after a small down stab attack.
This video on youtube show how it's look.

4C - Stand alone evasion.
See the last WTF to hard to use lance trick ?, chose this one a multiply his difficutly *over ninse thousand and.. think is still harder, so why talking about it ?, because i think is a good idea that people must know about it and find a way to make it usable since this trick look simply awesome.
First it work only with up direction evade (you will do a turn around dodge to the back) but what that's do ?, your character will simply do the evade movement withouth any distance move, it will just perfectly stand on the place you where are,... Wait ? but i can do that in a corner ?, that's right, but how about anywhere in the filed ?..- see ?. For the moment i don't have any more path information about it, i recently discovered that when playing dumb with evasion movement after the end of the battle.

4D - Roar evasion
Ha, monster roar, every one know it, it can get really annoying (HI 13 monoblos roar in a row !?).
Lucky for us, whe can dodge monster roar, not all, but you can.
Actualy evade+1 is enought for most of monster roar evade, the only roar i know you can dodge withouth evade is Naruga, tigrex. It can work vs khezu, but is a damn glitch.
Roar dodge is not that hard to learn, you just need to learn at what frame the monster gona start the effect and at what moment you need to start the dodge, a nice training monster for that is golden rathian with evade+1.

Edité par Rezard le 01/10/2011 - 18:21
Portrait de axelp85
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 209
Re: Les Monster Hunter

Sa y est, village finit, avec le dernier boss du village tuer a 11min de la fin.
Plus qu'as crée plein de marteau et en route pour soufrir des heures avec les quetes de guilde.

Portrait de Dalmundul
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A rejoint: 9 octobre 2011
Contributions: 14
Re: Les Monster Hunter

franchement moi je trouve ce jeu jeu juste bon ar il se repose énormément sur le multi
si on a pas une bande de potes ayent une psp et le même jeu avec sois, autant laisser tomber ce jeu.
J'avous que monster hunter try et son mode online est celui que j'ai préféré
car il fat l'avouer, leur multi est vraiment une reussite.
L'idéal serait une version HD sur PS3 (faut pas trop réver pour la Xbox 360 ;) )

Meteor Swarm
Portrait de Rezard
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 9320
Re: Les Monster Hunter

sauf que ya des gens comme moi , qui ont solo entièrement le jeu. c'est tout a fait possible.
et il existe sur ps3 en hd si jamais. cf une partie online sur cette version

btw mh tri (wii) est le plus facile et celui qui ce finit le plus vite de toute la serie.

Edité par Rezard le 14/10/2011 - 20:57
Portrait de axelp85
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 209
Re: Les Monster Hunter

Faire les quêtes de la guilde en solo c'est un bon challenge, les faire en Multi, c'est des gros délire.
Mais c'est vrai qu'il leur manque le mode online au version Psp

Meteor Swarm
Portrait de Rezard
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 9320
Re: Les Monster Hunter

le problème en multi,c'est le gros délire si tu joue avec des gens qui son bon.. mais si tu te tape des noob qui flash-bomb/upswing tout le temps la tu t'amuse pas du tout.

Je crois que les meilleurs partie que j'ai eu c'était avec admiredfob/mazereon/suzaku/chrome razor

Portrait de axelp85
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 209
Re: Les Monster Hunter

Ou les noob qui éguise l'arme que a la fin de la partie pour qu'elle soit éguisé a la prochaine ;)

Je vais pouvoir jouer online bientot, plus qu'as attendre noël...

Meteor Swarm
Portrait de Rezard
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A rejoint: 1 septembre 2011
Contributions: 9320
Re: Les Monster Hunter

hahah ce type était ennorme, genre il tapait tout le temps barroth de façe et captais pas pourquoi il ce prenais tout les coup

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