J' avait testé ce mod à sa sortie et j' avais été très impressionné, l' un des meilleurs mod multijoueur de HL2 !
J' attendais une nouvelle MAJ pour m' y remettre et c' est chose promis pour ce vendredi ! Il devrait y avoir normalement beaucoup de monde ce WE sur les serveurs.
We regret to inform you that due too technical difficulties with the Steam Server Browser, we are delaying the v4.2 release indefinitely pending the fix of the browser plus one week of continued functionality.
We are very sad to announce this and will be rolling out a official announcement media update ASAP to address this. We will also be showing off some more treats in v4.2 in this delay update.
Again, we are truly sorry, and hope you the community can help us voice to Valve how much this is hurting the modding community.
-Team GoldenEye: Source"
[22 juillet 2012]Version 4.2 reportée au 3 août 2012.
Ça ne m' étonne pas... Ça me fait bien rire qu' ils osent reporté la faute sur Steam alors que ce n' est qu'une petite MAJ (qui est plus une excuse pour avoir du monde en ligne) et qu' ils n' ont presque rien foutu pendant 2 ans... :)
~ Fixed round/match end determinations and timings
~ Fixed typos and errors in CTK overtime
~ Added some more checks for bots to not pursue weapons and armor in certain modes
~ Reduced volume of hint (but not popup message) notice sound
~ Localized create server menu
~ Added more localization for the team menu
~ Fixed bots wearing the incorrect hats after team change
~ Fixed bots getting stuck in doors occasionally
~ Fixed caves ai node graph
- Removed bot threshold default to prevent servers from blindly locking themselves out
+ Added extra api disconnect call to prevent hanging hl2.exe
~ Fixed armor sound looping
+ Added convar cl_ge_nohitsound to allow clients to disable the hit feedback sound
~ Attempt at a fix to spawners filling when recently used
~ Fix LD flags going haywire when one was added or removed
~ Fixed spawning issues when a player joins a server
~ Made spawning more robust to spawn points being filled and acting as an observer
~ Reordered OnPlayerDisconnect and the corresponding hook calls to ensure the gameplay doesn't try to use functions after cleanup
~ GEPlayer.ToGEMPPlayer(..) will not convert an entity AND a UID to a player
~ Round end music will play even for players not spawned in yet
~ Fixed SM not being able to change the level
J' avait testé ce mod à sa sortie et j' avais été très impressionné, l' un des meilleurs mod multijoueur de HL2 !
J' attendais une nouvelle MAJ pour m' y remettre et c' est chose promis pour ce vendredi ! Il devrait y avoir normalement beaucoup de monde ce WE sur les serveurs.
[18 juillet 2012] Version 4.2 reportée.
"Fans and friends,
We regret to inform you that due too technical difficulties with the Steam Server Browser, we are delaying the v4.2 release indefinitely pending the fix of the browser plus one week of continued functionality.
We are very sad to announce this and will be rolling out a official announcement media update ASAP to address this. We will also be showing off some more treats in v4.2 in this delay update.
Again, we are truly sorry, and hope you the community can help us voice to Valve how much this is hurting the modding community.
-Team GoldenEye: Source"
[22 juillet 2012] Version 4.2 reportée au 3 août 2012.
- De nouveaux écrans de chargement de map:
- Level "Caverns" également refait:
Android: GET - Steam & Epic Games Alert:
Ça ne m' étonne pas... Ça me fait bien rire qu' ils osent reporté la faute sur Steam alors que ce n' est qu'une petite MAJ (qui est plus une excuse pour avoir du monde en ligne) et qu' ils n' ont presque rien foutu pendant 2 ans... :)
Aujourd'hui y aura des bots x) en tout cas c'est bon de voir une mise a jour après tout ce temps
Live for nophing Die for somephing
[3 août 2012]
Pour télécharger le MOD: http://forums.geshl2.com/index.php/topic,7106.0.html
Android: GET - Steam & Epic Games Alert:
Et à venir...
Android: GET - Steam & Epic Games Alert:
[9 août 2012]
Change log:
~ Fixed round/match end determinations and timings
~ Fixed typos and errors in CTK overtime
~ Added some more checks for bots to not pursue weapons and armor in certain modes
~ Reduced volume of hint (but not popup message) notice sound
~ Localized create server menu
~ Added more localization for the team menu
~ Fixed bots wearing the incorrect hats after team change
~ Fixed bots getting stuck in doors occasionally
~ Fixed caves ai node graph
- Removed bot threshold default to prevent servers from blindly locking themselves out
+ Added extra api disconnect call to prevent hanging hl2.exe
~ Fixed armor sound looping
+ Added convar cl_ge_nohitsound to allow clients to disable the hit feedback sound
~ Attempt at a fix to spawners filling when recently used
~ Fix LD flags going haywire when one was added or removed
~ Fixed spawning issues when a player joins a server
~ Made spawning more robust to spawn points being filled and acting as an observer
~ Reordered OnPlayerDisconnect and the corresponding hook calls to ensure the gameplay doesn't try to use functions after cleanup
~ GEPlayer.ToGEMPPlayer(..) will not convert an entity AND a UID to a player
~ Round end music will play even for players not spawned in yet
~ Fixed SM not being able to change the level
Android: GET - Steam & Epic Games Alert:
Android: GET - Steam & Epic Games Alert:
[6 octobre 2012]
Scaramanga's funhouse
A l'occasion de la sortie de la nouvelle version de cette map, une soirée sera organisée:
Server: Troy's Server || Chicago|| Custom Modes (ip:
Game mode: Man with the Golden Gun
Mapname: ge_funhouse_v4
Android: GET - Steam & Epic Games Alert:
Vous préférez lequel, Goldeneye 007 sur Wii ( ou HD ) ou celui là ?
Personellement j'ai un petit faible pour le source car je le trouve très fidèle à la version N64